# Me Too Moment for Doctors in India


Doctor Assault

I was getting lot of requests from Doctors to write on their predicament in light of  the recent  violent attacks against them. This post was just a small attempt to educate people about the  reality.  But this post has become a big hit and has already been read by over hundreds if not thousands and the traffic which I am getting on my website is unprecedented.

I don’t know how some posts become so successful. This one has surely become one of the most read posts in last  two days. Numbers  that I am getting for this post  are mind boggling. People  are sharing it on Facebook, on whatsapp and other social media platforms. This one post, I can say has  truly captured the imagination of  my readers.

Please read and share your views.  Here is a link to the post. If you want to share it on Facebook or whatspp or any other social media platform, link to that has also been provided  at the end of the post. So go ahead, read and spread awareness but don’t forget to share your feedback in the comments section.


# Me Too Moment for Doctors in India








4 thoughts on “# Me Too Moment for Doctors in India”

  1. Great ! Even I don’t have any idea how some posts get viral. Recently one of my post on Coffee is getting lots of view from US in particular. I gives a good feeling..so enjoy it.

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