Fury of Fetus

baby in womb.png

I was dumbstruck , a fear lurking deep inside!!

it was paralytic, felt grotesque pain inside

Could see some black and white images with hazy insight

Images were unfathomable but had some nefarious designs

A premonition has  come back to haunt me again

I could see a young lady in utter disdain

A smile disappearing in gargantuan noise 

There was some sinister design

A life inside her was going to be snuffed out

A sapling that could have blossomed into a beautiful flower

Was going to be crushed by those gigantic forceps

The fragrance could not be felt

Oh!! What was it!!

Those hazy images

It was the fetus of  the sweetest thing

She couldn’t come out as a whole

they scratched hard and out came those small hands, out came those small legs,

out came her head and the rest

That was so cruel she could never see the light of the day.

Oh! God save us from your tempestuous fury

One more Angel we could not retain…


Image Credits : Google Images

41 thoughts on “Fury of Fetus”

      1. Yes it is. Even exhortations of honourable PM has fallen on deaf ears. Thanks Aquib for reading and sharing.

        1. It is my pleasure.
          It is wonderfully written and strikes some deep agony and rage.
          We should really at any level stand against and spread awareness that female foeticide is a murder.

  1. Thanks all for liking. Please do share your opinion as well.How did you find my poetry

  2. Oh my God! This is heartbreaking. You have captured so well the horror of abortion. It needs to be said.

      1. Sadly, it is. I am a survivor of abortion. My mother tried to abort me and she has never let me firget it! I abbhor abortion

        1. O my God!! But y she agreed in first place. May be bez of societal pressure.

    1. Yes shantanu. so many precious lives are lost in womb itself. It’s painful but harsh reality of times we live in.

  3. Thank you for your work! So many are silent in their beliefs. I have been studying how to lovingly respond to abortion. I have great compassion for those women who have chosen abortion and are now the victims of lies. Many times these women feel pressured by the key supports in their life and they don’t know there are thousands of loving parents-to-be waiting for a child to love. Many, many times they regret their decision and live with that guilt. Many of our Christian communities are loving on these women and their partners. Ardee Coolidge acoolidge@care-net.org and his organization has a beautiful attitude towards, and are very helping of, the many victims of abortion.

    1. Thanks for this wonderful insight. My salutations to this wonderful organization which is working for the greater good of people. Thanks James.

  4. This is heart-wrenching! I am always aghast whenever I read stories about abortion. We do not have the right to kill a human being.

  5. Tainted for life by this heinous act. Its something that lives with one through a lifetime and consequences in other life times 🙁

  6. So powerful! I found your post and full of emotions. This was amazing and heartbreaking. I can not wait to read more of your posts! I hope you have a lovely weekend!

    1. Thanks Alyssa for your praise, I really value your words. I hope you find my other posts equally good.

  7. A sad reality! Your words scream of the inexplicable pain that is suffered by the unborn ‘Angel’ so cruelly dragged out in bits. Alas! the saga continues.

          1. 😂 Sorry. Of late I’ve been out off by blogging. I only part once in a while to keep the blog alive.

            I’ve been fine. Trying to catch up with blog reading for now. How have you been?

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