Guess who was nominated for the Liebster award by the talented and amazing  Dimples-Dot-Com


Make sure you check her out y’all, her writing is da bomb diggidy (90’s reference kids… Don’t sweat it if you don’t understand 😂)

It’s my very first nomination and I’m jumping off the walls.

So without further ado;

Great… So we’ll start with

Answer to questions

  1. Paper or plastic? Answer : Paper
  2. Cats or dogs? : Dogs
  3. What is your spirit animal? : Rat
  4. If you were a ghost writer, what would your penname be? : Goodguys
  5. Why do you write? To liberate myself
  6. If you could either have no fingers or no eyes, which would you rather have? : My Brain


What is your most embarrassing moment in recent or past memory?

When I went to a party wearing Pyjamas

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Because his mother was on the other side

Do you think that Destiny’s Child will ever get back together?No

Cereal or Bread?


Are you secretly an alien?

Yes I am 


My nominees are all those people who are reading this one.




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